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Wits and Wagers It’s Vegas, Baby! Review

Wits & Wagers It's Vegas BabyStats:
No. of players: 5-99
Amount of time to play: 30 min
Age requirements: 13+
Set-up time: minimal

Wits and Wagers It’s Vegas, Baby! Rules Description:

Wits and Wagers is an excellent trivia party game. The It’s Vegas, Baby! version adds some new betting options and is closer to the original than the Party edition.

I have reviewed a few different versions of Wits and Wagers. The concept is the same (and straight forward) in all of them. You are asked a trivia question which you answer with a number. After you write your answer on your dry erased board you set it face down on the play mat. Once everyone is finished answering, the answers are revealed. Answers are placed I order from lowest to highest and then you bet on which answer you think is the closest without going over. You can bet on up to two answers and after the first round you can even add money you previously won to your bets.

Bets pay out from 2:1 to 6:1 so there is money to be made. The player (or team) that is closest without going over gets money equal to the number of the question. After 7 questions the game ends and the player with the most money wins.

The It’s Vegas, Baby! edition adds an area that lets you bet on the bottom three answers or the top three answers. It only pays out 1:1 but lets you bet on three answers at once.

Quick Review of Wits and Wagers It’s Vegas, Baby!:

Wits and Wagers It’s Vegas, Baby! Might be my favorite edition yet. It brings back some of the betting tactics from the original yellow box edition and adds even more betting options. What’s not to like about that?

The components are good but not top of the line. The design and look of everything is great. But the poker chips are cardboard, and the betting mat is felt instead of neoprene. Not a big deal as everything is functional. My only real complaint is that the mat is slightly too wide for the box. Again, not the end of the world but something that seems was overlooked. The rules are well written and easy to follow.

Wits and Wagers is one of my favorite party games. It can handle a bunch of people if they team up and can be played with anyone. It’s Vegas Baby is my favorite edition. It adds some fun new betting areas and gets back to some of the game’s roots.

If you are looking for a fun party game that young and old will enjoy, pick up Wits and Wagers It’s Vegas Baby!

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 2 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 4 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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