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Wig Out! Card Game Review

Wig Out GameStats:
No. of players: 2-6
Amount of time to play: 10-15 min
Age requirements: 6+
Set-up time: minimal

Wig Out! is a kid’s card game that is fast-paced and can get pretty hairy…

Wig Out! Rules Description:

You win Wig Out! if you haven cards left in your hand. You start the game with seven cards. After dealing each player their seven cards you flip the top two cards next to the draw pile.

Each card has a picture of a different person or pet on it. There are fourteen unique characters in total. There are no turns in this game you simply play or draw cards. You can discard cards in your hand that match a face-up pile on the table as you wish. You can only start a pile of a character by having two matching characters to lay at once. If you cannot lay a card you must draw one.

The player that empties their hand first yells, “Wig Out!” and that round is over. Players get a point for each card they have left in their hand. The player with the lowest score after five rounds wins the game.

Quick Review of Wig Out!:

Wig Out! Is a fun card game for young kids. It helps them with matching and hand-eye coordination. The simultaneous action makes the game fast and hectic.

The art, card quality and rules for the game are all top notch.

I like how easy the game is to explain and play. Again this is a kid’s card game and works especially well with young kids. My three year old can play this but my five year old is better and enjoys it more. Both were able to understand the game quickly though.

I also like how portable the game is. You can stick this deck of cards in your pocket and play it with your kids while out of the house.

Wig Out! is fun for kids and their parents. Kids enjoy the fun theme and hectic game play and parents can enjoy the quick play time. If you have young kids you should check this card game out.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 1 out of 6
Luck 6 out of 6
Player Interaction 2 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 1 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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