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VS 2PCG Brotherhood of Mutants & New Mutants Issues Review

VS 2PCG Brotherhood & New MutantsStats:
No. of players: 2-4
Amount of time to play: 20-60 min
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: minimal

Brotherhood of Mutants and New Mutants are the second and third small expansions (called issues) released for the VS 2PCG. They add more options and teams to use when building your decks (especially X-men).

VS 2PCG Brotherhood of Mutants & New Mutants Description:

Like Deadpool & Friends (and all issue packs) these new issues require an earlier base set or expansion to play. If you have not tried the Marvel VS 2PCG you can read more about the rules and my review here.

The Brotherhood gets their own faction symbol and is full of miscreant mutants. Main characters include Magneto, Sabretooth, and Juggernaut. Only Mags goes to level three, but all of them are tough. Magento switches from adding +4 to the defense of supporting faction characters at level one and two to granting them +4 attack at level three. His level three unites the Brotherhood and X-men makuinig the factions interchangeable in your deck.

Juggernaut is pretty jacked (5/5 and 8/8) but your opponent can spend Energy to weaken him. Sabertooth is ferocious and at level two heals one wound at the start of your turn.

Also represented are Avalanche, Blob, Quicksilver, and the Shadow King. Avalanche’s power costs a Skill resource and gets more powerful every time you use it. Upon its fourth use it KOs each enemy resource. Blob is a 6/8 6-drop that makes attackers slow to ready and can repel ranged attacks back at their attackers. Quicksilver, a 5/5 –drop, is mobile, has stealth and two health. The Shadow King is a 7-drop character that latches onto one of your other supporting characters. He grants them the power to KO an enemy supporting character at the end of your turn.

The New Mutants share the same faction symbol as the X-Men. But the two are not entirely interchangeable. If cards reference the New Mutants they must be from this set and have no effect on X-Men characters.

Professor X, Cable, and,X-23 are your options for main characters. Professor X can get to level three while X-23 has just one level. At third level Professor X can turn one of your X-men or New Mutant characters into a main character that can level. You still lose the game when the Professor is KOed. Cable makes all equipment useable by his faction and at second level he can reset the game. For two Energy resources he can time travel resetting everything but each player’s main characters. You put the rest of your cards into your deck, re-shuffle, and draw seven cards. This power may only be used once per game. X-23 is a 3/3 that gets +3/0 when attacking and 0/+3 when defending. She can also heal all her wounds using a Might resource.

Some highlights for the New Mutants include Cannonball, Sunspot, Magik, and Warlock. Cannonball is 3/3 3-drop with flight. If he attacks a back row character he gains a +1/+1 counter for each character he flew over. Sunspot, a 4/4 5-drop, allows you to turn any Energy resource over (including your opponent’s) to gain three +1/+1 counters. Magik is a 6/6 6-drop with two health. She can take a wound to summon her Soulsword. This powerful item gives her a +4/+4 and instead of wounding characters it removes them from the game. Warlock Is a 7/7 7-drop that can shift is attack and defense to your liking.

If you are interested in seeing more cards from the Brotherhood and New Mutants issue expansions, check out google. I think you can find images of most of the cards

A Quick Review of the VS 2PCG Brotherhood & New Mutants Expansions:

These issues adds some fun new characters and as a big X-men fan I am happy to see more heroes and villains from the comics.

The art is really nice on a majority of the cards and in line with the rest of the VS 2PCG games. The rules are a pamphlet that highlight new elements, and fleshes out the details of a few cards.

Both of these issues are great to play. You can just play them against one another and have a lot of fun. And the additional characters for the X-men faction can help you enhance that deck.

I want to create a deck with Professor X as the main character and the other X-men he can turn into main. With the cards in this issue you can only do that with X-23. Not sure how competitive it will be, but I think it will be cool to try.

If you are a Marvel VS 2PCG and X-fan, you should pick these up. They are fun in a vacuum or when added to the rest of your VS cards.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 6 out of 6
Replay Value 6 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 6 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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