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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Top Ten Games I was introduced to in 2012

top-ten2012 involved me playing a ton of games. So I thought I’d tell you what games I liked the most and know will be hitting the table in 2013. Not all these games were published in 2012, but that is when they were new to me.

Here are the top ten games I was introduced to in 2012:

10. RISK: Legacy – Even though it did not have a ton of staying power this game was so innovative not having it on the list seems like a crime.

9. Mage Wars – Lots of fun and you can really delve deep into this game. It has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it there is a ton of fun and value in the box.

8. Lord of the Rings: the card game – Fun solo or cooperative play. If there was more deckbuilding in the base box it would be ranked higher. The expansions aren’t pricey but the are a bunch of them.

7. Lords of Waterdeep – Great worker placement game (especially for non-gamers) scales very well and easy to teach. It might be ranked higher but it hit the table so often…I need a break.

6. Thunderbolt Apache Leader – Great solitaire game that I liked much more than I thought I would. Great mechanics, lots of replay value and very fun.

5. Super Dungeon Explore – Cool miniatures in a board game that plays like a retro video game. This is fun but tough. If I wasn’t always the Consul this might be higher.

4. King of Tokyo – Great game for family and friends. It plays quick is super easy to teach and full of rock ’em, sock ’em fun.

3. Guildhall – This surprise release is fun easy to teach and addictive. This is one of those board games you can play with most anyone, anywhere (with a table).

2. Twilight Struggle – This is a great war game with deep strategy, some luck and lots of fun. It is long and takes a play or two to get a handle on.

1. Dungeon Command – Excellent miniatures skirmish game that is beautiful and pretty easy to teach. I really like that you can get involved as deeply as you want, making customized warbands or playing these right out of the box. You can even play with four in a reasonable time.

What games did you play for the first time in 2012? Add your thoughts in the comments section.


2 Responses to “Top Ten Games I was introduced to in 2012”

  1. Harold Coleman says:

    Easily the most fun game I played for the first time in 2012 was The Manhattan Project.

  2. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    Yeah I really enjoyed it too. Limiting this list to just 10 was tough. If I had Honorable Mentions for this list it would have been there.

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