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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Top Ten Gateway Games – 2011 Update

Let me define gateway games. A gateway game has to appeal to people that do not play designer (or Euro) board games regularly, cannot be too complex and should introduce some new mechanics common to designer board games. As a caveat I am only listing games I have played. Some other gateway games that I have not played but heard are fun have been listed with my Honorable Mentions.

Top Ten Gateway Games

10. Incan Gold – great press your luck game for all ages that is easy to teach, learn and play

9. RoboRally – unique gameplay that is fun and engaging with a bit of chaos thrown in

8. Pandemic – cooperative game so new players won’t have to compete against vets, but they may get bossed a bit.

7. Asara – introduces worker placement, hand management and resource management in a very straight-forward, very accessible way

6. Guillotine – light strategy, card game that is humorous, easily understood and fun

5. 7 Wonders – may take a couple of plays to catch on, but once new players do they will be hooked

4. Bohnanza – introduces new mechanics, but the play experience can be open enough that helping new players won’t lose someone the game

3. Dominion – great card game with fun mechanics, but may be just a bit complex the first time through after that first though this is game can be addictive.

2. Settlers of Catan – can be addictive uses luck, trading, and an ever-changing board to keep players coming back for more

1. Ticket to Ride – contains a good mix of mechanics (some old and new) to give new players a comfortable yet new experience

Honorable Mentions: For Sale, Carcassone, Quicksand, Tsuro, Airlines Europe

Hate my list or know of some other gateway games I have left off? Leave a comment to let me know.

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4 Responses to “Top Ten Gateway Games – 2011 Update”

  1. Sim says:

    I highly recommend Citadels, it has converted men and women equally well in the past.

  2. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    I have only played Citadels just once and it was fun…I’ll have to try it again and reevaluate its “gatewayness”. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Scott says:

    My most successful gateway game with my family and friends has EASILY been Qwirkle, even more so than TTR.

  4. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    I have never played Qwirkle, but I’ll have to try it out.

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