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Top 10 Meanest Dominion Cards

Saboteur10. Ghost Ship – You must discard down to three but you put the cards on your draw pile. This will usually bog down your current hand or the next one. Sometimes it help you set up your next hand.

9. Bureaucrat – Clogs your next hand with victory cards. Not as effective if there is a dual victory/action-treasure card in the supply.

8. Militia – You must discard down to 3 cards. This can take you from a Province to a Duchy quick

7. Thief – Very effective early in the game and longer with more players. This card can devastate a Chapel or “Just Buy Money” strategy.

6. Witch – Give every other player a Curse and gain 2 cards. Seems fair and mean…

5. Possession – This action (not attack) let’s me play your hand and gain cards you would have. So not only do I take your Province but since Possession is not an attack your Moat (or other defensive card) can’t stop me.

4. Sea Hag – Like the Witch this card passes out a Curse, but it places on top of your draw pile. This clogs up your deck and doesn’t really help the person playing it. That is why she is meaner than the Witch.

3. Familiar – This card is tough because if you get enough of them in your hand you can give out multiple Curses in one turn. It almost forces everyone else to buy some if you get a couple.

2. Swindler – Replacing cards in someone’s deck hurts their strategy. Giving them a Curse for a Copper hurts their VP and clogs their deck.

1. Saboteur – This card has the ability to remove Provinces or any other 3+ cost cards from your deck. It is mean just to be mean as it doesn’t help the person playing it by giving them extra buys or treasure.

Do you think my list is correct? Am I missing a card you hate (or love) to see in the supply? Feel free to discuss in the comments!

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9 Responses to “Top 10 Meanest Dominion Cards”

  1. Joel says:

    I’ve never played with anything but the Witch. It is a devastating card in the hands of one Jim Getz who combined it with the throne room more than once.

  2. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    I remember that game harsh…very harsh. Just be glad he wasn’t Throne Rooming the Saboteur. I guess Throne Room makes most of these doubly mean!

  3. Matt says:

    I remember Jason laying out the witch *constantly* in the last game I played with him. It is a *very* nasty card in the wrong hands (Jason’s…Meredith’s)

  4. jo says:

    which set has possession in it? that sounds pretty nasty if i read it correctly.

  5. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    It is from the Alchemy set. And it can be rough. It is hard to see your opponent buying a Province with what would have been your next hand.

  6. Matt says:

    Well, now I’ve seen the devastation of the stacked Familiar hand, raining down curses.

  7. Scott says:

    Torturer belongs on this list. Attacked player either discards two cards or gains a curse.

  8. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    Torturer is tough but if I have two VP cards in my hand I’ll just discard them. Or maybe I have a chapel in my hand and I’ll just take the Curse and trashit. I think the fact it goes right to your hand makes this easier to deal with.

    That said if all have bought the Torturer in a three or four player game it can be tough as you may have no cards come your turn.

  9. KingTheodenII says:

    Well what about the scrying pool? That is a good attack card. You make each player draw the top card and you decide whether it stays there or it gets discarded. Its really good if they draw a platinum/gold/really good action card, so that deserves to be in top 10. And I think that ghost ship is a really good card – shouldn’t be rank 10 because I played once and had 4 victory cards in my hand and I put 3 of them on top, which made the current turn and next turn crappy. And I think that familiar is worse than swindler. Depending on when you play the swindler, a copper might actually be helpful and the curse not helpful. Earlier in the game, the swindler is worse (for the player of the card) and later in the game its better because the curse and the copper clog the hand.

    Posession by far is the #1 meanest card. I used it twice and got 15-20 treasure from the next player’s turn both times, getting me colonies both times, giving me the win for the game. It does cost 10 (6 treasure and a potion that costs 4), so the cost makes it annoying, but it does a great job.

    I would also say that thief is a very good card. For most attack, or mean cards, it depends on when the card is used. Two thiefs were used two turns in a row and both times I lost a platinum. It can be a very deadly card. That may have been the reason that I lost the game.

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