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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Top 10 Gateway Games

First…my definition of gateway games. A gateway game has to enamor people who may not regularly play board games, not be too complex and usually introduce some new mechanics to players. I say enamor because it has to be enough fun that the new player really wants to play it again or at least be willing to try more games like it. As a caveat I am only listing games I have played.

10. Lost Cities – great fun and easy to learn, but being only 2-player keeps it low on the list

9. For Sale – quick, light and fun

8. Carcassone Discovery – I put the Discovery version because the scoring and meeple placement is a bit more straight-forward

7. Quicksand – maybe too simple but great for all ages and just different enough

6. Incan Gold – another game that is great for all ages with some less common mechanics

5. Guillotine – fun has some light strategy and is easily understood

4.Bohnanza – lots of new mechanics, but an open enough play experience that helping new players doesn’t lose someone the game.

3. Dominion – great card game with fun mechanics, but may be just a bit complex the first time through after that first though this is game can be addictive.

2. Settlers of Catan – can be addictive uses luck, trading, and an ever-changing board to keep players coming back for more.

1. Ticket to Ride – contains a nice mix of old and new mechanics to give new players a comfortable yet unique experience

Do you hate my list or know of some other gateway games I have left off? Feel free to discuss in the comments!

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2 Responses to “Top 10 Gateway Games”

  1. fattom23 says:

    I second you on the Guillotine and the Settlers. I’ve used those games to lure 20 or more people into our hobby. I’d also recommend Robo Rally. It’s got great strategy, it’s scenario-based so that you can ramp up the complexity, and it can get as viscerally wild as a crazy video game, especially once people’s order queues start getting locked.

  2. jason says:

    I have played Robo Rally. It is a lot of fun and I will definitely add it to my Honorable Mentions list. It might be a bit too much for the casual gamer ( but maybe I underestimate them). It is priceless watching everyone swivel in their chairs trying to figure out which way they are facing and which way to rotate.

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