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Ten Board Games to Pack in case of Disaster

The other night I had a dream or maybe it was a nightmare. I must have been near the shore, perhaps on vacation and flooding tides were headed to wreck havoc on the world. These waves must have been huge cause even though I never saw any of them I knew I had to get my family packed up and head to higher ground. At first this meant heading home from our trip and then once there packing up more things in case the U.S. would be flooded. In my dream I remember getting back to the house and beginning to pack but then I woke up.

As I thought about the dream I wondered if I had a limited amount of space what games in my closet would I take with me? I continued to think about the games in my collection and instead of worrying about space they’d take up and size of boxes I just wondered about which ten I would take. This is not necessarily my ten favorite games or what I think are the best ten games I have. Some were picked because they were my favorite of a type of games. Others I just simply could not dream about not having. Here in no particular order are the ten:

Agricola – I really do love this game and think I’d be a nightmare not to have it. That being said I wished it hit our game table as much as it used to.

Dominion – This is a great game and easy to introduce to new people. Quick to learn and play it is a must have.

El Grande – I don’t play this often enough but love the strategy, politics and design of this great area control game.

Power Grid – This is a great auction game that I enjoy every time I play it. I also need to keep it so I can figure out how to win more often.

Dungeon Twister – For 2-players I think this game offers lots of strategy and lots of fun.

Race for the Galaxy – A card game with shared roles, a fun theme and lots of replayability.

Nexus Ops – This simple war game adds just enough small twists to make it stand out.

Pandemic – If you don’t feel like beating your friends this is a great cooperative game that may be harder to beat than your friends.

Ticket to Ride – This game is fun for the whole family. Most anyone can play this and enjoy the ride it is.

A Deck of Cards – I like classic card games and this would enable me to play many…even solitaire.

You may agree with some of these or hate some of these choices. Let me know about it in the comments. I know this list is subjective as it only consists of games in my personal collection, but tell me what games you would bring from your collection?

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