Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports
So my players and I have decided to try out 4e Dark Sun. I played the original setting from 2nd Edition years ago and always had fun and look forward to exploring Athas again.
We played Pandemic using the On the Brink Expansion. There were four of us with a good bit of experience with the game so we tried playing the Virulent Strain Challenge. For the most part it may have been too challenging…
We tried mixing a bit of every expansion I had. The results were interesting.
This was a random supply from Dominion: Seaside and Dominion: Alchemy. There were six cards from Seaside and four from Alchemy. The Supply consisted of: (view cards here) Apprentice, Apothecary, Bazaar, Familiar, Ghost Ship, Haven, Navigator, Smugglers, Vineyard, Wharf
Dominion Session Report includes Alchemy and all Promos