Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports
Heroscape Age of Annihilation is a skirmish game with great looking miniatures and fantastic 3d maps you build. The Master Set comes with 20 figures and 9 scenarios and the Battle Box includes 6 figures and 4 scenarios. Both have hours of entertainment in them.
KAPOW! Vol 2 is a stand alone expansion that adds six more characters for you to play. Also if you have both Vol 1 and 2, you have enough player boards to give the 2-vs-2 team mode a try.
KAPOW! is a dice-building, superhero themed, fighting game. You have six characters to choose from and it can be played 1-vs-1 or solitaire.
QE Commodities adds a new wrinkle to this auction board game. Now you’ll sell commodities during your auction to offset your spend and score VPs for the commodities auction winner.
9 Lives is a trick-taking card game. It follows most conventions of typical trick-taking games, but adds a small wrinkle. When you win a trick you must keep one of the opponent’s cards that was played.