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Posts Tagged: expansion

Mage Wars Academy Warlord and Forcemaster Expansions Review

Mage Wars Academy gets two new wizards, the Warlord and the Forcemaster. These expansions also add more creatures and spells to the series.

Between Two Cities Capitals Expansion Review

Capitals adds more ways to score and depth to Between Two Cities without adding too many new rules.

Legendary X-Men Expansion Review

X-Men is a big box expansion for Marvel Legendary the Deckbuilding Game. It features heroes and villains from the X-Men comics and adds some new mechanics to the Marvel Legendary series.

Marvel Legendary Noir Expansion Review

Marvel Noir is the latest expansion for Marvel Legendary the Deckbuilding Game. It features heroes and villains from the Noir Universe and mixes up gameplay a bit.

Super Dungeon Explore Arena Review

Super Dungeon Explore Arena is an expansion that changes this game from a cooperative dungeon crawl to a two-player skirmish.