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Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Posts Tagged: expansion

Super Dungeon Explore Von Drakk Manor Expansion Review

Von Drakk Manor is the second expansion for Super Dungeon Explore. This set has an undead theme and adds new heroes, new spawn points, new minions and a new boss and mini-boss.

Mage Wars Forcemaster vs Warlord Review

In Mage Wars you play dueling wizards. The Forcemaster vs Warlord expansion invites two new types of wizards to the party.

War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-Earth Review

Lords of Middle-Earth is the first expansion for the Second Edition of War of the Ring. It adds some of the characters from the books that were only represented by cards in the base game.

Winter Expansion Review

Winter is an expansion for either 51st State or the New Era. You must have one of these games to play the expansion. Winter is set in the world of Neuroshima and you must out-build and out-score your opponents to win.

Mage Wars Core Spell Tomes 1 & 2 Review

Mage Wars is a game of dueling wizards. Core Spell Tomes 1 & 2 add more copies of the spells found in the base game. This enables you to customize your mage even more.