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Posts Tagged: Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeon and Dragons – Wyvern Mountain – Session 2

After dispatching of the dwarves that attacked them, the adventurers continued up the Smuggler’s Road.

Dungeons and Dragons – Wyvern Mountain – Introduction

Our heroes are offered work to scout the ominous Wyvern Mountain. What will they find and will they survive?

Dungeons and Dragons – Heathen – Session 7

After killing the zombies, the adventurers return to the large mosaic in the hall. This time Auidar and Tony notice a secret door. Upon entering the next room Donaar is attack by a human berserker and the action begins!

Dungeons and Dragons – Heathen – Session 6

The party gains access to the Pillars of Night, but what awaits them inside…

Dungeons and Dragons – Heathen – Session 5

The adventurers face a disappearing foe and finally reach the Pillars of Night, but what do they find when they get there…