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Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Posts Tagged: Board Game Reviews

Kaiju Crush Board Game Review

In Kaiju Crush you play a giant monster and must crush buildings and fight your opponents to gain the most VPs and win.

Daemon Trilogy Subrosa Review

Subrosa is the first game in the Daemon Trilogy. It is a drafting card game where you must play crew members to complete contracts and score VPs.

War of the Ring Warriors of Middle-Earth Review

Warriors of Middle-Earth is the second expansion for the Second Edition of War of the Ring. It adds factions for the Shadow and Free Peoples players.

VS 2PCG The Predator Battles Expansion Review

The Predator Battles is a stand-alone expansion for VS 2PCG. You can play as the Predators or the Prey.

Israeli Air Force Leader Review

Israeli Air Force Leader puts you in command of the Israeli Air Force. You must choose and arm your squadrons and pilots to fly selected real and hypothetical campaigns from 1948 to 2020.