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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Posts Tagged: 2 to 5 players

Nightfall Eastern Skies Expansion Review

Eastern Skies is the latest expansion for Nightfall. It is a stand-alone expansion and can be played whether you own the original game or not.

The Manhattan Project: Second Stage Expansion Review

Second Stage is a set of modular expansions for The Manhattan Project. You can add different expansions that you enjoy and fit your group’s playing style.

Forbidden Desert Board Game Review

Forbidden Desert is a cooperative board game in which you must find a flying machine and escape the desert. But be warned the sand and heat will try to defeat you.

Cinque Terre Board Game Review

The Cinque Terre are five villages in Italy. In this game you must harvest produce, deliver it to the five villages and fulfill orders to score victory points.

Age of Empires III Board Game Review

Age of Empires III is a worker placement game where you must colonize the New World. The game takes place over three ages. After eight turns the game is over and you must have the most victory points to win.