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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Posts Tagged: 2 to 5 players

Small World Review

Small World is an area control game with a fantasy theme. The catch is that there is only so much area to control so you will have to fight for land. Elves, dwarves, halflings, giants and other races each bring unique racial powers that when combined with random traits become your army to defeat your opponents.

El Grande Review

El Grande is an area control game that is very strategic, interactive and a lot of fun. The game is 9 rounds long and you score points once every 3 rounds. The player with the most points after the ninth round is over wins the game.

Dominion: Alchemy – Servants Session Report

Dominion has been hitting my game table more and more recently. The quick play time and the new Alchemy expansion have helped. This time we tried the suggested deck – Servants.

Dominion Session Report

Finally got around to making a session report for a board game. Here is one for Dominion with Dominion: Intrigue. Enjoy!

Agricola Review

Agricola takes place in 1670 after the Plague. Players are farmers trying to upgrade their huts and work the land. The game takes place during 14 rounds in which players choose actions that will help grow their homes, families and farms. Can you build a better farm than your fellow players?