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Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Super Dungeon Explore Review

Super Dungeon ExploreStats:
No. of players: 2-6
Amount of time to play: 30-150 minutes (depending on game mode)
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: 10-15 minutes

Super Dungeon Explore Rules Description:

Super Dungeon Explore is a board game simulation of an old-school RPG video game. This game has tons of theme but is it fun to play?

Super Dungeon Explore can be played in three modes: 8-bit, 16-bit or Super. Each mode requires one Consul player to play the bad guys. And depending on the mode there are a different number of heroes from 2-5.

After players alternate setting up the dungeon tiles, the Consul places spawn points and treasure chests in the dungeon.

Spawn points spew new monsters each round that the heroes will have to deal with. Once enough monsters have been killed the Consul can bring in a mini-boss. Killing more monsters will eventually spawn the dungeon Boss, Starfire, a red dragon.

Each monster and hero has a stat card which tells you which dice to roll and if the have any special abilities or attacks. Heroes also gain loot. Every three hits per turn will produce loot which helps your hero’s stats, attack, defense or provides another special ability. Relics are found in treasure chests and give even more powerful boosts.

On each turn a model may spend three action points. A basic attack costs only one action point. Different special abilities cost different amounts of action points. You can move freely and make attacks at any point (or even different points). Each attack that hits places one wound on your opponent. If your hero hits and you roll a potion or heart, you remove a wound from any hero or get a potion.

The Consul player wins by killing all the heroes. The hero player(s) win if the Boss or Mini-Boss (based on game mode) is destroyed.

A Quick Review of Super Dungeon Explore:

Super Dungeon Explore captures the feel of an old school RPG video game awesomely. The art components and gameplay all add to the theme. The components and the miniatures look great, but be aware you must assemble the minis yourself. And while this is no small task, it is not too overwhelming either. It would have been easier if this assembly diagram was included in the first print run.

One of the great things about Super Dungeon Explore is feeling like you are playing an RPG for the NES. Monsters dropping potions, hearts and loot as you destroy them. Things don’t get too fiddly and the simplicity and flexibility of the movement and combat system just add to the theme.

The rules are a bit disorganized and I highly suggest reading them, going to BGG to check the rules forum and then glancing through the rules again. If you have played other mini skirmish games or even DnD 4e you’ll be a step ahead as there are some common terms. The cards should probably be sleeved as they are a bit thin.

The heroes all bring something different to the table and you’ll have to be smart about teaming up to take out the monsters. Unfortunately if you get knocked out you’ll be stuck watching. There are ways to get back in the game but they are not guaranteed.

The game ramps up nicely. The heroes add loot and the Consul can access more powerful monsters the longer the game goes on.

Super Dungeon Explore is fun for both the Consul and the heroes. Each side has unique abilities at their disposal which will keep the game interesting for quite some time. That said this game is begging for expansions.

If you enjoy other dungeon crawlers, old school RPG video games or are a fan of miniature war games, you will like Super Dungeon Explore. Theme oozes from this game from the components to the mechanics. It can be taught pretty easily and while not quick it is faster than many of the board games in this genre.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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4 Responses to “Super Dungeon Explore Review”

  1. Joshua Mann says:

    Nice review. I am wondering how many miniature models are included to assemble and paint. It sounds like a lot of fun because I loved my old NES. The RPG games were my favorites.

  2. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    There are 51 miniatures. And trust me it is a blast!

  3. Pygmaelion says:

    Unsolicited Opinion Ahoy!

    As stated in the review, there is some-assembly-required. If you’re an old hand at miniatures wargaming, you’ll find these figures easy to assemble and easy to paint to a good standard using simple techniques.

    If your experience with miniatures-included board games is purely fantasy flight one-piece/two-piece figures, Super Dungeon Explore will take a bit more prep time when you open the box than games like Descent or Doom or Starcraft. The end result of such stylized and well engineered models is a fantastic looking game and is well worth the effort.

  4. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    @Pygmaelion – Yep that is correct. There is some assembly required, but it is worth the effort. And I am newbie to miniature building. The review also links to the assembly guide that will help you assemble the miniatures.

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