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Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium Review

Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs ImperiumStats:
No. of players: 1-6
Amount of time to play: 40 min
Age requirements: 13+
Set-up time: 5 min

Race for the Galaxy Rebel vs Imperium Description:

Rebel vs Imperium, the second expansion for Race for the Galaxy, adds more cards, more powers, more strategy and more fun!

Rebel vs Imperium builds on some of the mechanics from The Gathering Storm expansion. It also changes the game setup, adds a new explore icon and increases player interaction via takeovers.

Although setup remains basically the same you start by randomly selecting four “first” goals and two “most” goals. Then you get two start worlds (one odd and one even numbered) and six cards. After looking over the goals you may choose which starting world you will keep and four of the six cards for your starting hand. There are even three new start worlds for you to choose from.

Speaking of goals, Rebel vs Imperium adds a few new goals of each type. The new “first” goals are

  • eight cards on your tableau
  • three Uplift cards on your tableau
  • four goods on your tableau

The new “most” goals include

  • three or more Rebel Military worlds
  • three or more explore phase powers

As I mentioned above there is a new explore icon introduced in Rebel vs Imperium. It allows you to combine the cards you draw during the explore phase with the rest of your hand before you discard. This is great for adding more cards to your hand you want while removing those that don’t fit your strategy.

Lastly this expansion introduces Takeovers which add more player interaction to the game. Only four total cards have the Takeover power (noted by a “kapow“ starburst) and they must be in your tableau to be used.

You can only attempt to takeover another player’s world if they have positive military power, a Rebel military world or any Imperium card. In order to successfully takeover another player’s world you need to use the settle action and have a total military power that is greater than or equal to the defense of the world you are trying to possess plus that world’s owner’s military power.

Like the Gathering Storm expansion Rebel vs Imperium adds another player to make it playable for 1-6.

A Quick Review of Race for the Galaxy Rebel vs Imperium:

More goals and more cards are great. The new explore icon helps cut down on the randomness of the deck a bit. Also getting to see the goals and choose your start world along with your starting deck adds more strategy to this game.

The Takeovers are a bit complex but once you’ve wrapped your head around then they are fun to use. Some might think they would dominate but since only four cards have the Takeover power you don’t see them too often.

If you enjoy Race for the Galaxy I highly recommend the Rebel vs Imperium expansion. The first expansion (the Gathering Storm) is not needed but is highly recommended and both are great additions to the game.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 5 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 4 out of 6
Replay Value 6 out of 6
Complexity 6 out of 6
Fun 6 out of 6
Overall 6 out of 6

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2 Responses to “Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium Review”

  1. Good review! I am not a fan of takeovers, though… my least favorite rule addition for RFTG. Thanks for sharing!

    Growing Up Gamers

  2. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    Yeah we have only used Takeovers a few times. It does add to the interactivity of the game but also to the complexity. I am not sure the added complexity and rules are worth the extra interactivity. The game doesn’t necessarily need these elements.

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