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Project Pandora Grim Cargo Review

Project Pandora Grim CargoStats:
No. of players: 2
Amount of time to play: 15-60 min (depending on scenario)
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: 5-15 min (depending on scenario)

Project Pandora Grim Cargo is a two player, sci-fi themed skirmish miniatures game. You play as either the Corporation or the Veer-myn (alien rat–men).

Project Pandora Grim Cargo Rules Description:

Project Pandora Grim Cargo is made by Mantic Games. They also produce Dwarf King’s Hold. Project Pandora has similar tiles, rules and combat.

The game comes with six scenarios including a training mission to help you learn the basics of the game.

Each player has a set of nine action tokens. On your turn you play an action token and one mini may take one of the actions listed on the token. Some tiles allow you to act with two minis while others let you act with three or four. Actions include: shoot, move (or a combination of these) or a special action.

The Corporation has a tile that lets them shoot in reaction to a Veer-myn movement. Veer-myn, on the other hand, have a tile that lets them rush their foe.

Once used an action token is used it is discarded. At any time you may spend an entire turn issuing new orders to make all nine tokens useable again.

Combat entails rolling a certain number of six-sided dice for attacking and defending. The number of dice is modified based on your skills, if you are injured or outnumbered, or other circumstances. After both players have rolled their dice you compare your dice in order from the highest to the lowest. If the attacker beats the defender’s roll and their armor value they are hit.

Veer-myn are easier to hit but harder to damage because they can dodge. The Corporation have heavier armor and are harder to hit period.

The Grim Cargo is the name of the spaceship you are fighting on. The Veer-myn have advantages scurrying through the dark passages of the ship. The Corporation does much better in the light of larger rooms. You can turn on or off a light in a room with your special action token. The Corporation might also have flares that will light a room or corridor for a turn. Veer-myn are even able to come back as reinforcements if they are killed in dark places.

The Veer-myn fire toxic weapons that hamper the Corporation. The Corporation are prepared and have detox kits to clear areas of toxic waste.

The six scenarios are varied and even come with designer’s notes with tips for each side.

Quick Review of Project Pandora Grim Cargo:

Project Pandora Grim Cargo is a very fun miniatures game. The miniatures are plastic, easy to assemble and look very good. The rules are pretty straight forward and are very easy to pick up if you have played Dwarf King’s Hold.

The components look great but I still wish the tiles were thicker and that player aids were included. The box is pretty flimsy and has no compartments for holding things in place. The game doesn’t suffer from these things, but they’d be nice to have.

Personally I enjoy fantasy-themed games over sci-fi ones, but there are several elements in Project Pandora I really like more than Dwarf King’s Hold. It feels more strategic having a pool of tokens you choose from. Deciding what tiles to use and when to use them is a large part of winning.

There is also some fun back and forth with the toxic firearms of the Veer-myn and the detox kits of the Corporation. This same thing happens with turning on and off the lights in rooms. This adds tactical depth and makes timing more important.

If you enjoy skirmish games, especially ones with a sci-fi theme like Space Hulk, you should try Project Pandora Grim Cargo out. Players that liked Dwarf King’s Hold should try this too. The system is simple and plays quick so newcomers would like Project Pandora too.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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One Response to “Project Pandora Grim Cargo Review”

  1. Tom Rolland says:

    Great review, cheers!

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