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Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Ninja vs Ninja Review

Ninja vs NinjaStats:
No. of players: 2
Amount of time to play: 15 min
Age requirements: 8+
Set-up time: a few minutes

Ninja vs Ninja Rules Description:

Ninja versus Ninja is a light-filler and is great for kids and adults. This game is quick to teach, learn and play. You are trying to either score seven points first or eliminate your opponent’s ninjas.

In Ninja vs Ninja you must invade your opponent’s dojo for points or eliminate their ninjas. Each player starts with six ninjas. The board is split in half with each half representing one player’s dojo. There is also a small neutral zone in the middle.

On your turn you roll two six-sided dice and must move one of your ninjas that many spaces. Although the dice are six-sided they have a ninja sword through the middle eliminating two sides per die.

Movement is limited to one 90 degree turn and you may not move through or jump any ninjas in your way (including our own). If you land on your opponent’s ninja you eliminate it. Also while on a mission you may make one reversal (u-turn).

In order to score points you must be on a mission. To be on a mission you enter the neutral zone or your opponent’s dojo. The deeper into your opponent’s dojo you go the more points you may score.

In order to bank the points for entering you opponent’s dojo you must return to your dojo within three turns. Failure to return to your dojo within three turns will eliminate your ninja.

After scoring seven points or eliminating all your opponent’s ninjas, you win.

A Quick Review of Ninja vs Ninja:

Ninja vs Ninja is a good 2-player filler game. There is not a ton of strategy and you may sometimes be at the mercy of the dice. But it is still a lot of fun and plays fast enough to play a few games in a short amount of time.

The rules are well-written, and since the game play is simple enough, this is a good game for children. They will enjoy the cute figures and the fun whimsical theme.

Even though there is not much depth to this game that fact that it plays so fast will have you playing it over and over again. If you are looking for a light 2-player game that won’t take a ton of time, you can’t go wrong with Ninja versus Ninja.

Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 2 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 3 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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