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Mastermind Animal Towers Review

Mastermind Animal TowersStats:
No. of players: 2
Amount of time to play: 15 min
Age requirements: 6+
Set-up time: a few minutes

Mastermind Animal Towers Rules Description

If you have ever played Mastermind then you know what fun it is. Well Pressman has released Mastermind Animal Towers. While similar in theme Mastermind Animal Towers is geared at a younger age group.

In Mastermind Animal Towers each player chooses 4-6 animal tiles to secretly stack in their tower. (The game is easier and quicker with less animals.) Each player also gets solution cards with pictures of their opponent’s selected animals. These solution cards are used to help you keep track and guess the order of your opponent’s animal tower.

Each turn you ask if a certain animal is above or below another. If you guess correctly on your first question you may ask another question. Depending on the number of tiles you are using, if you are correct the second time, you can ask one more question. (If you are only playing with four or five animal tiles you only get one additional question.) You should also move the order of your solution cards to represent the answer(s) you received.

On your turn one of the questions you may ask is if you have the correct order of your opponent’s tower. If you are wrong, your turn is over. If you are correct, you win.

A Quick Review of Mastermind Animal Towers:

Mastermind Animal Towers is a fun game for young kids. Even though the box says 6 and up, my 3 year old can play this game. It helps that there are different difficulty levels.

The game can be played quickly and it helps children grow their deduction skills. As a parent this is a game you can play with your child and not dread the amount of time it takes to play. Mastermind Animal Towers can even be fun for you and educational for your son or daughter.

Obviously for kids, Mastermind Animal Towers is a great way to introduce them to games of reasoning. It will be fun for all and is especially great for young children.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 1 out of 6
Luck 1 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 3 out of 6
Complexity 1 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 3 out of 6

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