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Keys From The Golden Vault Review

Keys from the Golden VaultKeys From The Golden Vault is a series of heists you can run as one-shots, playthrough as a standalone campaign, or add to your existing Dungeons & Dragons 5e campaign. The variety in the heists keeps them fresh and challenging.

DnD Keys From The Golden Vault Description:

Heists are in. There have been plenty of popular movies recently that revolve around a heist. They are interesting, tense, and fun. So it only makes sense that Dungeons and Dragons would explore the genre.

Keys From The Golden Vault contains 13 adventures ranging from levels one to eleven. Each one has its own hooks and may be played as one-offs or as a campaign. If played as a campaign the book details your crew working for the Golden Vault. This secret organization’s slogan is “Do right no matter the cost.” so you might be doing less than lawful missions for good reason.

The heists take place in a variety of locations. A museum, casino, prison, and thieves guild are just a few of the places your crew will need to infiltrate to complete their missions. Your crew’s objectives vary too. Some are straightforward heists that involve getting an objective. But others include returning an item or breaking into a prison to get info from a prisoner. These details keep the heists fresh and keeps them from feeling repetitive.

There are options for DMs to add complications or introduce a rival crew. These elements increase the tension and add urgency to your crew’s exploits. The conflict a rival crew adds can be purely a timing issue and not involve combat. If someone else is ahead of you in your objective, how can you speed things up and what effect will cutting corners have on successfully completing the mission?

Quick Review of the DnD Keys From The Golden Vault:

Keys from the Golden Vault is one of the best books to come out for 5e Dungeons and Dragons. The variety of the quests and their flexibility makes them fun for PCs and lets DMs use them in a few different ways.

The adventures are slightly on rails, but once the objectives are defined and the plan is developed, players are free to execute their plan as they wish. Besides, things are bound to not go to plan, so they are less controlled than it seems. The adventures are well-written and have a number of memorable NPCs and gotcha moments. These are definitely adventures that will create memories for your DnD group.

Parties that like to plan things out will enjoy these adventures. They favor those that react quickly on their feet when their plans go awry. Groups looking for less combat intensive adventures (and interested in playing more skill-based classes) will like Keys from the Golden Vault too. You can add one of the scenarios, Prisoner 13, to your DnD Beyond account here.

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