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Infinite City Board Game Review

Infinite CityStats:
No. of players: 2-6
Amount of time to play: 30-40 min
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: minimal

Infinite City Board Game Rules Description:

Infinite City is an area control tile-laying game. You try to occupy more adjacent tiles than your opponents. But your opponents (and the tiles they place) will have something to say about that.

You set up the board with five tiles in a plus shape. You start the game with five tiles and fifteen tokens in one color.

On your turn you lay a tile adjacent to on already on the table, place one of your tokens on that tile and then follow the directions on the laid tile.

Some tiles allow you to place another tile. If you play one of these, you follow the same procedure above until you are done placing tiles. Then you draw back up to five tiles.

The game ends immediately if all five Power Station tiles are in play. It will also end if any player runs out of tokens. But there is one final round in this instance.

All players add their score and one with the most points wins. You score one point for each contiguous adjacent tile you occupy in groups that are bigger than three. You also score the printed value on the tiles you occupy. Lastly the player that occupies the most tiles with a silver border scores that many points.

A Quick Infinite City Board Game Review:

Infinite City is quick to play, easy to teach and learn and fun. While Infinite City doesn’t have any new or ground-breaking mechanics, for a basic tile-laying game it has a good blend of luck and strategy.

There is a good bit of “take that” in Infinite City. You can remove other player’s tokens, move their tiles and take tiles from their hand. In fact most tiles you place will affect another player.

Infinite City is a bit chaotic. Not only will the board change a good bit between your turns. You will be drawing random tiles and some tiles will not help you maximize your turn as well as others. That said those that make the best of their draw will tend to be in this game until the end.

Ganging up on the leader will most definitely occur on this game. Points are open and if you are in the lead, you are a target. This is most prevalent the last round of the game. If you lay your last token every other player will have a turn to take shots at you if you are in the lead.

Infinite City is a medium weight game and some might even consider it light. It can have up to six players and is easy to teach. It might be rough be new gamers but I think it qualifies as a decent gateway game.

If you like “take that” games that have a blend of randomness and strategy then you should give Infinite City a try.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 6 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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