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Illuminati Game Review

No. of players: 2-6
Amount of time to play: 90-180 min
Age requirements: 12+
Set-up time: 5 minutes

Illuminati Rules Description:

In Illuminati you play a secret society trying to extend your influence into special interest groups. Your win condition will depend on the secret society you play. You must use diplomacy, negotiation and money to meet that condition.

To begin the game you get a random illuminati faction card. It tells you your income, power and special ability. This also determines your individual victory condition. Then four group cards are drawn and placed face-up n the table.

Each turn you get your income, draw a card then take two actions. If the card drawn is a special event you may hold it and play it when you like. If it is another group it is added to those in the middle of the table. The actions available are attack a group, transfer money, move a group or give a group away.

Mostly you’ll be attacking groups. When you defeat a group you add it into your Power Structure. You may attack groups in the center of the table of those in another player’s Power Structure. You receive bonuses and penalties based the attacking and defending groups’ alignment and the defender’s place in the Power Structure.

You may add money to boost your attack or defense. All other players may also throw in to help either the attacker of the defender.

If any player meets their group’s individual goal they win. You may also win by controlling a a certain number of group based on the number of players.

Quick Review of Illuminati:

Illuminati is a card game full of intrigue and diplomacy. Its initial printing was in 1982 and it is currently on its third edition. The game plays better with 4 to 6 players as there is more negotiation and player interaction.

The groups are humorous takes on real special interest groups. And though these are dated most are funny. The chaining together of cards and Power Structure create interesting decisions. And the way alignments interact is both funny and fun.

The unique win conditions and illuminati groups make for a variety of strategies and increases replay value. The rules even contain strategy tips for (and against) each faction. The rules are a bit disorganized and you might find yourself searching them for answers the first couple of games.

There is a jockeying for position and deal-making that can make the game time long. It will depend upon the people you play with. There are some kingmaker aspects to this game and players may even be knocked out.

While it has some flaws Illuminati has stood the test of time and is worth trying out at least once. Many will enjoy the power struggle, politicking and unique game play. Your players will especially like this if they like group take-that games.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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