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Heroscape Age of Annihilation Board Game Review

Heroscape Master Set AoAStats:
No. of players: 2
Amount of time to play: 60-120 min
Age requirements: 14+
Set-up time: 10-20 min

Heroscape Age of Annihilation is a skirmish game with great looking miniatures and fantastic 3d maps you build. The Master Set comes with 20 figures and 9 scenarios and the Battle Box includes 6 figures and 4 scenarios. Both have hours of entertainment in them.

Heroscape Age of Annihilation Rules Description:

The Heroscape Age of Annihilation Master Set comes with everything you need to battle it out with a friend. Once you have built the map for the scenario you are playing, you select your team. Some of the scenarios have prescribed teams, but you can also set a point limit and draft teams.

You should familiarize yourself with your army. Most units have special abilities that can assist movement or grant them a special attack. This is even more important for units you have not played with before.

After placing your figures on the map in their starting area, you place your Order Markers. You have four of them. Three numbered from one to three and one with an X. Each round you activate three units (or you could activate one unit three times). To signify which units you plan to activate you place your Order Markers in the cards of those figures. Your opponent does not see which unit has a specific Marker. The X is just there as a decoy.

Next you roll a d20 for initiative. The player that rolls the highest reveals their number one Order Marker and activates that unit. Then the other player reveals and activates their unit with the number one Order Marker. This goes back and forth until all three Order Markers have been revealed and resolved. If a unit is eliminated before it has a chance to activate, you skip activation.

On your turn your activated unit may move a number of spaces up to its Move value. It costs an extra move for each level you go up. This is not the case when moving down, but you can fall if you descend further than your unit’s height. If you have more than one figure associated with a card they may all move. And terrain matters, you must stop if you enter a water space.

After you finish moving you may attack. Every unit has a range and at range one you may only attack adjacent figures. You must attack enemies you are adjacent to even if you have a range greater than one. When you attack you roll dice equal to your Attack value and the defender rolls dice equal to their Defense value. The defender’s shield results are subtracted from the attacker’s hit results and any remaining hits subtract from the defender’s Life. If you move out of adjacency with a unit it gets a free one die, non-defended attack against you. Like movement, multi-squad units may all attack with one activation.

Victory is determined by the scenario objectives. But sometimes it comes down to scoring the most points. You gain points for each unit you eliminate based on its point value.

Quick Review of Heroscape Age of Annihilation:

Heroscape is a miniatures skirmish game that was first released in 2004. Over the next six years new sets of units and terrain were released. Then in 2010 it was discontinued. But in 2024 it was relaunched. And not as a 2.0 or redone system. The newer releases are compatible with all former products. This is a fun game system with simple rules that gamers of all ages can understand and enjoy.

The new figures look great and the terrain always looks impressive on the table. The unit cards are well designed and the rules are well written. The scenario book is not as great. The way the maps are shown makes them hard to build and a couple maps are just wrong.

This game is very approachable. It appeals to a variety of ages and both hardcore and casual gamers enjoy it. With more units you can have more players and even play team games. The rules aren’t fiddly and it is easy to teach. If you have younger kids you can play the basic game that removes the special abilities.

As you play the game, you learn what combinations of units you prefer. For new players this might take a few waves of figures, but old timers can mix the new units with previously released ones for interesting synergies. Army building, testing, and tinkering is a fun way to try you different units.

Heroscape looks great and is fun, but it is random. Lots of the strategy comes from army building and tactical positioning. Once the dice are involved it is anyone’s game. If you aren’t a fan of luck-based skirmishers, it may not be for you.

Another thing to keep in mind is the setup time. Building the map can take a while. If you have a designated area where you can leave maps out then great. If you need to tear it down and set up every time you play, be aware of the time investment.

Should you get Heroscape Age of Annihilation? If you have past sets this is a great way to expand your game. If you enjoy miniature skirmish games or have kids you want to play this type of game with, then yes. The Master Set will give you plenty of hours of fun. If you want to try it out with a lower cost the Battle Box is a great way to try it out too. The sets are available with painted or unpainted miniatures (the premium painted sets are more expensive).

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 6 of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 3 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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