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Gloomhaven Digital Board Game Full Release Review

Gloomhaven DigitalGloomhaven Digital is out of beta and has been fully released. It has support for multiplayer, a campaign mode, and more.

Gloomhaven Digital Description:

This is a follow-up to my review of the beta version of Gloomhaven Digital that may be read here. The new features extend the Gloomhaven story and experience. There is pretty much more of everything. There are all 17 playable characters, 47 different enemies, and 95 scenarios from the analog board game. Also included are exclusive characters, enemies, bosses, environments, and stories in the game’s Guildmaster mode.

While not new, Guildmaster mode was not implemented when I did my first review. Guildmaster mode replaces the old adventure mode. It adds some elements found in the campaign like leveling, being able to swap out characters and bind your items to characters.

All modes are available to play online with others or solitaire.

Gloomhaven Digital

Quick Review of the Gloomhaven Digital Board Game:

Gloomhaven’s digital adaptation is pretty amazing. It allows you to play through the campaign with your friends whether they are near or far. And though it lacks the tactical feeling of the analog version, set up and clean up are non-existent and all the math is handled with ease and without error.

You can tell the developers are both familiar and fond of tabletop Gloomhaven. The attention to detail in the transformation makes it feel like a labor of love. Everything looks great and once you are familiar finding your way around the interface is easy.

If you want to try Gloomhaven’s campaign, but don’t have the game or group to play with, this is for you. Or maybe you have a group but getting together physically is a challenge, then buy this. It is available on Steam.

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