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Fluxx Dice Expansion Review

Fluxx DiceStats:
No. of players: 2-6
Amount of time to play: 10-40 min
Age requirements: 8+
Set-up time: minimal

Fluxx Dice adds even more chaos to your existing game of Fluxx. It can be easily added to any of the base games.

Fluxx Dice Rules Description:

You need to have a base game of Fluxx to use this expansion. It can work with any of them, but on its own it is useless. If you have not played Fluxx, read my review and overview here. The rest of this post will focus on the ways this expansion changes things up.

Flluxx Dice adds two d6s to Fluxx. One determines how many cards you draw from1 to 6. And the other determines how many cards you play that turn. The results are 1 through 4 plus Play All and Play-All-But-1.

At the start of your turn you roll these dice and they decide the number of cards you draw and play. Any Rules you play that would normally change the draw or play values change the appropriate die the value on the card.

This expansion also adds some cards. The Lucky Charm is a Keeper that increases the lower valued die you roll by one. There is an Action you can play called Roll For It! It lets you draw cards, Trash a Rule, Steal a Keeper or take another turn. Of course you roll to see which action you get. Lastly there is Bad Luck. It is a Creeper. You only roll the draw die. You are considered to have rolled Play 1. Anytime a player rolls doubles on the dice they get this Creeper. Lucky Charm discards Bad Luck. It also comes with the Rule card that makes you roll the dice.

Quick Review of Fluxx Dice:

Fluxx Dice takes the chaos and randomness of Fluxx to a new level. Now everyone’s turn will be different. And the new cards are a fun touch in this small expansion.

I like how easy this expansion is to add to the game compared to how much it changes things. Some people will not like an extra random element in this chaotic game. But others will embrace the madness and see what fate has in-store for them.

If you like Fluxx and don’t mind it being more hectic, this expansion is a nice, unobtrusive way to change the game. That said, if you don’t like Fluxx, I don’t think Fluxx Dice is going to change your opinion.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 2 out of 6
Luck 6 out of 6
Player Interaction 4 out of 6
Replay Value 5 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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