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Fighting Fantasy Legends App Review

Final Fantasy Legends AppFighting Fantasy Legends is a digital version of the classic adventure books. It has a few new wrinkles but keeps the traditional mix of choose your own adventure book and roleplaying game.

Fighting Fantasy Legends Description:

You begin Fighting Fantasy Legends by picking your character. Next you are looking at a top-down view of a map. You can click around to take different paths in the world in search of adventure.

There are a handful of towns and towers you must explore to defeat the evils that threaten the land. Along the way you’ll fight many creatures and animals using your skill dice. There are traps and situations that require luck to survive and for those encounters you roll your luck dice. Defeating monsters and evading these traps gains you experience to level up your dice. When you level up a die it gains an additional side that shows a successful result (up to three).

Entering towns and towers you may choose which way to go and whether to investigate certain areas. There are also some areas marked with question marks. Upon encountering these an event card is drawn from the event deck. Sometimes these are good but usually they are more tests or things to fight.

Final Fantasy Legends

Dropping to zero stamina means you awaken just outside the area you were in with one injury on one of your skill die and a curse on one of your luck die. If these are rolled they discount any successes rolled for those tests. They can be removed though and are not permanent.

Much of your quest involves gathering items at different locations to confront one of the major threats in the area. If you defeat them you are a hero and win the game.

Quick Review of Fighting Fantasy Legends App:

Fighting Fantasy Legends reminds of many books I read/played through as a kid. I think I may have even played through The Warlock on Firetop Mountain which is one of the adventures in the app.

The interface is intuitive and looks good. The top down angle is interesting but at times the hero looks like they are floating above the ground. But it works for what it needs to do.

If you enjoy choose your own adventure books, RPGs or these original series. You should pick this app up. It is available on iOS, Android, and Steam.

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