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Dungeons and Dragons – Wyvern Mountain – Session 8

VargouilleFeeling as though they past something by, the party goes back to the large cavern with the pool in the northeast corner and the hatches. They scan the room quickly then enter the tunnels off the western side of the room.

After coming to a couple dead ends off the main corridor they find a door. Auidar looks for traps and unlock the door. Inside is a dark room with a large sarcophagus. There is much discussion about what to do, but eventually the adventurers decide to open the sarcophagus. Donaar and Render push the large lid off and there is a loud noise. Donnar is hit hard by a trap and is dazed. Peering inside Auidar sees a skeleton with a crown. He reaches in and takes the crown.

Leaving they continue down the natural corridor before them. They come to another large opening. The room holds a huge table, but before they get the chance to investigate there is a shrill scream. Five vargouille dive at the heroes and a battle ensues. Render quickly reacts and jumps at on flying by. Swinging his great axe he connects.

Donaar pulls two of the beasts to him hitting them both. Instantly he attacks again killing one the assailants. Tony shoots two arrows that connect and he bloodies another. Another shriek echoes through the chamber and Orsik and Tony are immobilized.

Auidar casts call lightning and blasts a vargouille. Orsik follows up allowing both he and Auidar to attack, but neither connects. Render knocks one into another as Donaar tries to cleave, but misses. Tony lets two more arrows flies and the party has one less vargouille to deal with.

Auidar casts chill wind, freezes one to death and hits Donaar in the process. Donaar responds by killing a vargouille. Tony hits the last one that lunges at Auidar. The vargouille’s fangs sink deep but Auidar strikes and kills it.

Finally the heroes are able to search the room and Tony spots a trap door in the floor that is underneath the huge table. Again Auidar checks for traps. Finding none he climbs down into a tunnel that leads to a room with a treasure chest.

Among the coins are a totem, an axe and three healing potions. The totem is an Autumn Harvest Totem +2 that Auidar takes. The axe is a Blood Fury Great Axe +2 which Donaar claims.

Realizing they have no where left to go the party returns to the large cavern where they fought the zombie wyverns.

DM Notes:
Things were pretty straight forward here. No complaints…

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One Response to “Dungeons and Dragons – Wyvern Mountain – Session 8”

  1. Matt says:

    It was a good adventure, and a good series of final fights.

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