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Dungeons and Dragons – Wyvern Mountain – Session 7

Grick and Barbarian fightAfter killing the two barghests the adventurers head north through a large natural corridor. They walk until the path opens into a dank, moist cavern. Stalgtites hang from the ceiling slowly dripping water that has formed into a large pool in the northeast part of the room. Around the pool are ten black disks set into the floor. Each disk bears the image of a dragon that points toward the pool.

Suspicious of the pool Donaar throws a rock in the water. It sinks and slowly fades from view. Curious as always Auidar takes a closer look at the disks. He notices they appear to be doors and check the one closest to him for traps. Finding nothing he then proceeds to try to open it. He is unable to open the hatch but Tony comes over to help him. Again success eludes them. Render thinks maybe they need a bit more muscle and joins in the effort. Finally the team is able to open the hatch.

Inside is a decrepit skeleton. It is not undead and has nothing of value on it. Looking deeper into the tube Auidar realizes that the bottom seems to be another hatch. Upon inspecting it he finds no traps and a similar lock as before. He is able to open the lock with Tony’s help and they find another skeleton. This time however the remains have some items on them.

There is a magical warhammer, a magical amulet and magical boots. Closer inspection reveals the items to be an Inspiring Warhammer +2 and a pair of Quickling Boots. Orsik takes the warhammer and Auidar takes the boots. They try to open all the hatches and lower doors but are only able to open three of the top entrances and one more of the lower ones. They all contain skeletons but no more loot is found.

There are two tunnels leaving the cavern. One seems to head west and the other goes northwest. The party heads to the northwest tunnel when they come across a set of iron doors in the northern wall. They are locked so Auidar does his best impression of a rogue, and after checking for traps, unlocks the door. Instantly the party is rushed by four gricks. Auidar reacts quickly leaping away from the doors and calling lightning down upon the aberrations. Donaar charges in and uses his breath weapon followed by an attack with his greatsword.

The gricks flank Orsil as he enters the room and Tony lights them up with arrows from afar. Render attacks and misses as the grick he is fighting does the same. Donaar continues to attack as two of the gricks flank him and cut him with their tentacles. Auidar takes his rat form and darts into combat striking a grick and killing it.

Tony continues to launch arrows as Render finishes off a grick. The last two gricks continue to assault Orsik and his body begins to show it. Fortunately his will and might are resolute and he uses his new warhammer to strike and kill another grick. Donaar’s great sword sinks deep into the last grick and the party takes a few minutes for a short rest.

The room is full of torture devices with blood-stained walls. There is a broken cage with a pile of dwarven bones near it. Other than that there is little of interest here and a quick search turns up nothing. They head out to the hallway and continue down the northwest corridor.

After following a series of maze-like tunnels, the way opens up again. This time into a huge moss-lit cavern. The ceiling is close to 80 feet high and various ledges crop out into the room. As the adventurers near the center of the cavern two large zombie wyverns swoop down from ledges behind the group. Meanwhile three more fly out from a field of large boulders.

Auidar is hit by one of the zombie wyverns. The force of the attack is so great it knocks him to the ground. Instantly Tony provides support firing arrows at the incoming undead. Donaar hits the one closest to him as Render hits one hard enough to knock it into the one by it. Auidar calls lightning as he dodges more incoming attacks.

Render jumps onto the back of the zombie wyvern he knocked down. The wyvern takes flight and his tail strikes Render hard. Tony continues to maneuver and shoot arrows and after many hits drops one of the wyverns. Donaar and Orsik gang up on another while Auidar casts Faerie Fire.

Render attacks again and the flying undead seems to start losing elevation. Donaar hits again while Orsik continues to slam his warhammer into their foe. No longer having an enemy in his face Tony is able to help finish off the other undead. A few arrows and another falls.

Speaking of falling Render strikes on last time at the wyvern he is on and it goes limp. Render begins his descent to the cavern floor dome 50 feet below. Render his some Acrobatics and is able to react to the ground and go just limp enough not to break his legs and more.

Donaar slices as Orsikrshes and the wyvern they were fighting is finished. Auidar however is feeling this fight and flees to the boulder field for cover. He is followed and cornered by the last wyvern. Luckily Auidar has friends and one of them has a long bow. From across the cavern Tony shoots the last of the zombies and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

DM Notes:
Not having a rogue on the party made opening the hatches take a bit too long. The tactics for the zombie wyverns have them hovering and attacking with their claws which doesn’t make use of their reach. Other than that Ithink things were both challenging and rewarding.

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