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Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set (Dragons of Stormwreck Isle) Review

Dungeons & Dragons Starter SetThe latest Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set contains everything needed to get your group started playing DnD. Other similar products have been released so how does this compare to those and which should you buy?

Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set Description:

This is the second DnD Starter Set that has been released. The original was released in 2014 when 5th edition was just coming out and contained the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure.

While the contents of this new starter set are similar, there are some differences. This boxed set includes 5 pre-generated characters,a 32-page rules book, the 48-page Dragons of Stormwreck Isle adventure book, and 6 polyhedral game dice.

The pregenerated characters’ sheets have more detailed explanations of weapons and abilities. Unlike the original starter set they are written as if you have never played Dungeons and Dragons before. Each character has a hook for the Dragons of Stormwreck Isle adventure.

The rule book explains the contents of the set and who the content is meant for. It also includes a glossary of jargon. There is even a QR code that will take you to helpful videos about how to play and run the adventure. But be aware there are no rules for character creation.

DnD Starter Set Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

The adventure has an introductory encounter with tips and guidance for new Dungeon Masters. It is shorter than The Lost Mines Phandelver and will bring characters to level 3. The middle part of the adventure is a sandbox. And characters will be interested in exploring different areas based on those character hooks I mentioned before.

Quick Review of the DnD Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Starter Set:

The Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set is a great place for new players and Dungeon Masters to begin their adventures in the 5th edition ruleset. It has everything you need to give the game a try and see if you enjoy it and would like to play DnD regularly.

The big question is, Should I buy the Dragons of Stormwreck Isle edition or the one from 2014? The answer to that is based on your experience with Dungeons and Dragons. Have you played earlier editions and are just looking to understand the 5th edition rules? Then the 2014 edition with the Lost Mine of Phandelver is probably what you are looking for. But if you and the majority of your group are brand new to roleplaying or DnD then this latest edition is what you are after.

This starter set explains a lot of concepts and terms from the perspective of brand new players and DMs. It doesn’t assume you know the jargon and shorthand used in the game or on the character sheet. Things are spelled out in plain English as though you have just sat down for your first adventure.

Dragons of Stomwreck Isle is a good starting point and everything in this starter box is on point for new players. The videos you can access via the QR code are very helpful for learning to play DnD and run the adventure as well.

There are a couple things I’d like to point out. First the box says 2-6 players, but playing with fewer than 4 or 5 people (including the DM) could make for a bumpy ride. Also the DM should review the character sheets (esp the skills) as some calculations there are errant. If I find a full list I’ll link to it.

In summary this makes a great starting point for brand new DnD players. Or players wanting to give 5the edition a try. Even players coming from other rpg systems would benefit from it. So if that describes you, pick the Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set up.

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