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Dungeon and Dragons – Wyvern Mountain – Session 2

After dispatching of the dwarves that attacked them, the adventurers continued up the Smuggler’s Road. As they walk on they notice the path getting steeper and that a small cliff intermittently runs along above the road. Auidar and Tony also notice some motion from the upper ledge. Just as they are alerting the rest of the party a large boulder drops in to the middle of the group. Render and Donaar are hit by the boulder but Orsik is able to jump clear. Right after that a band of six grimlocks jump from the ledge and attack the party.

Render takes a big swing at the grimlock in front of him and pushes him of the other cliff side. Auidar casts chill wind on a cluster group but only manages to hit Orsik. The grimlocks yell savagely as they flank Donaar and knock him prone. Tony puts one grimlock in his sights and with a few arrows in him he falters. Render and Orsik team up on another grimlock who does not last through their dual-attack.

Donaar stands and stabs his sword deep into the grimlock that knocked him down. Barely alive the badly wounded grimlock is finished off by Render who instantly charges into melee with another grimlock. Auidar switches to rat form and pounces on a surprised grimlock. Orsik grants the party a chance to heal and Donaar uses his poison breath on two of the remaining grimlocks. He then cuts them down with his sword leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

At this point the grimlock that was pushed off the edge by Render climbs onto the path. There he finds Render waiting to hit him again. The grimlock retaliates slicing into Render with his battleaxe. Then Tony runs up with his bow and finishes the fight. After a short rest the party travels on.

The Smuggler’s Road continues toward the top of Wyvern Mountain and after walking for a couple hours the adventurers see an old partially collapsed wooden tower. More intriguing is the candle they can see flickering inside. Auidar sneaks past a grove of trees and peeks into the tower. From seemingly nowhere a large dire wolf, an eagle and a female dwarf surround him. The wolf bites him hard and he crumples to the ground. The dwarf swings her hand axes at Auidar leaving large gashes in his side. She then yells out to the party, “Drop or weapons or your friend shall die.”

Render raises his hand and asks her to stop, ready to charge if she does not. Just before her wolf strikes and Auidar she calls him off. She helps Auidar up and approaches the party. The adventurers tell her why they are in the area and where they are planning to go. She trusts them enough to share that she works for the Mountain King and tells more about the Gloomeye Tribe of goblins and their leader, an ogre, Tenozak Dreadbane. Shortly after that she bids them well and leaves.

DM Notes:
I compensated for the easy fight last session by adding an extra grimlock. I think it helped, but the PCs were still in little danger. I also still suck at running skill challenges. I am not sure what information to give players and what info they need to figure out for themselves. All in all though it was a fun night and things went pretty smooth.

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