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Downforce Board Game Review

Downforce board gameStats:
No. of players: 2-6
Amount of time to play: 30-60 min
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: 5 min

Downforce combines racing and betting and is remake of the classic Daytona 500. To win you need to bet well, manage your hand, and burn rubber.

Downforce Rules Description:

You begin Downforce by dealing out all the cards and then buying a car. One by one all six cars are auctioned off. You bid with your cards with the highest bidder noting the amount they paid next on their score sheet. You might end up buying two cars depending on the number of players. Along with the car you win, you get a special ability. If you win more than one car, you may only keep one of your abilities.

The cards you have will show up to all six cars and number. When you play a card you must move the cars the exact number of spaces matching that number starting with the top car and moving down. Cars must be move forward, not side to side, and must stop if they are blocked by others cars. Then the played card is discarded.

At certain points on the racetrack there are three bold yellow lines. Once a car crosses a yellow line play stops and you bet on the car you think will finish first. You do not need to bet on your car and you can change your bet each time you bet.

Once all your cars have crossed the finish line you discard your hand and after all cars but one finish or all active players run out of cards the game is over. You gain money for the position your car finished in and the car(s) you bet on. You must subtract the money you spent on your car. The player with the most money wins the game.

Quick Review of Downforce:

Downforce is a fun mix of betting, positioning, and hand management. It is accessible and enjoyable for a wide age range. If you have ever played Daytona 500 you will notice some mechanics but like the updates.

The components for the game are excellent. The cars and board are well-made and look cool. The board is double-sided so you have two tracks to race on. The rules are easy to read and follow with lots of examples.

One thing I really like about this game is how accessible it is. It can be enjoyed by both gamers and non-gamers, young and old. And is great for families.

It has a lot of replay value too. You will want to try all the different abilities. There is even an expansion with two more maps, with special rules, and additional abilities. Some abilities are better on certain maps but none seem unbalanced.

How you bet can determine if you’ll win. How you bet might depend on your hand, the position of the cars on the board, or both. For example if you have a lot of cards that move green and it is near the front of the pack, you might bet on green even if you don’t own it.

I am still not sure if it is a detriment to own two or more cars. It probably depends on how much you pay for them. You can possibly win more but often you are viewed as the threat and at least one of your car gets shafted by your opponents. The game plays best with three or six players, when there at least a couple opponents and everyone has an equal number of cars.

If you like racing games and Downforce sounds fun to you, pick it up. If your group needs a good game that goes up to six players, give this one a try. Or if you are a family that enjoys game nights, this board game might be for you.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 4 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 3 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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