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Dominion Digital Edition Review

Dominion is the og deckbuilding game. It was a game that introduced a new mechanic to the hobby. The digital version takes this classic card game and makes it easy to play and experiment with different sets. Also if you don’t have a human to play against, the AI opponents are pretty good.

Dominion Digital Edition Description:

I first reviewed Dominion when I started this blog. It was one of the games that really drew me into the hobby. And though the deckbuilding mechanic is not too revolutionary at this time, back then it was pretty radical.

Since its initial release in 2008 there has been a second edition. The second edition doesn’t change the rules. It changes some of the cards by moving them to different expansions or getting rid of them altogether and replacing them with new ones. This wiki page outlines the changes for those (like myself) that only own and played the first edition.

The digital edition has a great tutorial to walk you through the basic rules of the game. Each expansion also includes a tutorial that covers new concepts introduced in that expansion. Fifteen expansions are available to purchase as DLC and add a bunch of cards and variety to the game.

Quick Review of Dominion Digital Edition:

I have really enjoyed the digital edition of Dominion. You can play a game quickly with others on the couch or online. It was fun to see the changes made for the second edition and try out cards and concepts from expansions I had never played.

The AI has four difficulty levels and is challenging on the hard setting. The AI is quick making games go fast with little downtime. You can even start some turns as you wait for your opponent to wrap up theirs.

This app has an intuitive interface and getting the info you need about cards is easy. The tutorials were great and helped me learn all the concepts I had never played with before. If you are getting a new expansion definitely use the tutorial to understand its impact.

My favorite mode is the Daily challenge. It has been excellent. You play vs one AI opponent with a predetermined set of cards. You can keep trying even if you lose and get a streak going if you win over and over again. This mode has introduced me to many of the cards I have not tried before. And though I usually do not win the first time, I retry until I get the W.

If you like playing Dominion this is a must buy. You might not need or want all the expansions but getting a few you like can add extra variety to the game. If you do not like Dominion, this app will not make you like it. But if you want a fun game you can play quickly with friends or decent AI opponents, pick this up. Dominion Digital Edition is available on Steam, iOS and Android.

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