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Dark Sun – Bloodsand Arena – Session 3

githAfter their win in the arena the party is escorted to the tunnel below the stadium. Shortly Tellemon arrives and congratulates them on their win. He won a decent sum of money on them and shares some of his winnings with them. Then he looks at Kitano and tells him he noticed him cheating and using psionics.

Kitano tries to look surprised and claims there was no cheating in the match. Tellemon laughs and says he’ll see the group tomorrow so they can try to fight fair this time. He also mentions winning more money off them.

The adventurers visit the market and buy some supplies and a few healing fruits. Then they settle down for the evening and rest for the day ahead.

Arriving in mid-afternoon the adventurers are again fed and given water. They are told they are the last match of the day. But this time there is no game. Their goal is to subdue their opponents even if that means death.

They exit the tunnel to see the arena has about a half dozen columns throughout it. They are about 20 feet tall and are sheathed in obsidian. The surface is jagged and being slammed into it would definitely hurt. Between a couple of the columns are large webs that partially obscure the party’s view.

At the other end of the arena stand six gith. They are known to be natural psions and deadly hunters. They wave there spears in the air as a gong sounds and the match begins.

Out of the corner of his eye Meldrick notices one of the dunes on the uneven arena floor move. Arannis sees it also and wonders what it could be.

The gith spring into action. Two of them leap into the top of two of the columns. Their ability to jump that high seems unnatural and possibly the result of their psionics. The other four split into pairs on group running up the center of the arena and the other running up the right-side.

Suddenly out of nowhere there is an eruption of sand. Bursting from the floor is a spider. It jumps at one of the gith and bites him nearly in two. The crowd cheers and screams in delight.

Ittik runs toward one of the gith on top of the columns. He leaps and lands next to the gith striking him with his claws. Otiril moves up staying behind the columns for cover. Meldrick moves into position and fires an arrow at the gith Ittik just hit. The arrow hits the gith as he screams in pain. Kitano steps up trying to attack the same gith, but misses.

The gith pulls out a bone dagger and sinks it into Ittik’s side. His compatriot on the other pillar hurls a javelin at Ittik. The javelin impales Ittik as he scrambles to keep from falling off the column.

The gith running up the center of the arena charges around a pillar at Otiril. He wields a large obsidian-tipped spear but can’t land a blow in the half-giant. His partner moves closer to the fray but stays behind one of the columns for cover.

On the far side of the stadium the gith swings his spear at the spider and hits. The spider retaliates and kills the gith. Again the crowd goes wild as more blood soaks into the sandy floor.

Although in immense pain, Ittik claws at the gith he is battling. On the ground Meldrick continues to fire arrows at Ittik’s opponent. This time both arrows hit. The gith’s body falls to he ground as the crowd continues cheering.

Otiril’s axe drops the gith that at charged him. And Arannis uses a striking note to knock the remaining gith on the column to stumble. The gith just keeps his balance enough not to fall to the ground below. In fact he stands up and throws another javelin at Ittik. The monk succumbs to his wounds and falls unconscious.

Still hungry the spider attacks Otiril but misses. The final gith on the stadium floor runs at Kitano. His spear stabs the psion while the crowd roars. Otiril swings and misses the spider. But the second swing of his mighty axe kills the large insect.

Seeing Kitano in a bit of trouble Meldrick drops his bow and his head. He runs at the gith and gores him. The crowd erupts again screaming as the gith’s body falls from the minotaur’s horns.

Kitano moves forward and teleports the gith from the top of the column out into open air. He plummets to the ground as the crowd rises to its feet, yelling and cheering.

But the cheers quickly turn to screams of panic. “Murder! Guards, murder!”, can be heard as people flee the stands.

DM Notes:
This session ran pretty smooth. The combat was straight-forward and the challenge pretty good. I probably could have moved the spider that never came out since noone got that close to him. And had it attack the party as the other spider took out two gith.

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One Response to “Dark Sun – Bloodsand Arena – Session 3”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by hartley, play board games. play board games said: The next session for the Dark Sun adventure had been posted: http://bit.ly/eZzn6K […]

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