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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

3 players

King’s Forge Queen’s Jubilee Expansion Review

Queen’s Jubilee is the first expansion for King’s Forge. It has new craft cards and some new gather cards too.

Imperial Settlers Atlanteans Expansion Review

The Atlanteans expansion introduces a new faction to Imperial Settlers with some new mechanics and new cards for all the existing factions.

Android Mainframe Review

In Android Mainframe you are a runner looking for fame and fortune. Can you secure more zones in this area control game set in the Android universe?

Slaughterball Review

Slaughterball is a sci-fi miniatures sports game that feels like a mix of basketball and hockey or football with some extra violence thrown in for fun.

Tash-Kalar Board Game Review

Tash-Kalar is an abstract game with some area control in it set in a battle arena. You place your pieces on the board in specific patterns to summon cards in your hand.