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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

solo play

KAPOW! Vol 1 Board Game Review

KAPOW! is a dice-building, superhero themed, fighting game. You have six characters to choose from and it can be played 1-vs-1 or solitaire.

Lost Ruins of Arnak Expedition Leaders Expansion Review

Expedition Leaders is the first expansion for the award-winning Lost Ruins of Arnak. It adds asymmetrical starting decks and player boards, more items, monsters, and artifacts, plus two new temple research tracks.

Starship Captains Board Game Review

Starship Captains is a medium-light board game that combines familiar mechanics in a unique way. Can you score the most VPs and be rated the best captain in the fleet?

Everdell Digital Board Game Review

The digital version of Everdell looks great, has a good tutorial, and is a lot of fun. It can be played locally, online or solo, with some interesting solitaire challenges.

Libertalia Winds of Galecrest Board Game Review

Libertalia Winds of Galecrest combines simultaneous action selection and set collection into a sky pirate-themed board game. You play crew members to gather booty in order get the most doubloons and win.