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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

gateway game

Dominion Session Report

Finally got around to making a session report for a board game. Here is one for Dominion with Dominion: Intrigue. Enjoy!

Pandemic: On the Brink Review

Pandemic: On the Brink really adds some nice options to the base game. The expansion keeps gameplay mostly the same but adds some difficulty and some new roles to the experience.

Dominion Alchemy Card List Revealed

The new Dominion expansion Alchemy is ready to hit game stores soon. Many fans have been frustrated by the lack of specific information available about the new set.

Power Grid Game Review

Power Grid is a very good game that is fun to play but tough to master. In it you are trying to power a certain number of cities (based on the number of players). You must buy your power plants and resources wisely to win this game.

Dominion General Strategy Tips

This article assumes you have played or are familiar with how to play this game, if you aren’t read my Dominion review. I named this general strategy tips because as always in Dominion you must be aware of the cards in the supply and they are what should dictate your strategy.