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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

gateway game

Smash Up Review

Smash Up is card game with eight meme factions. You take two factions to play and shuffle them together to form your deck. Each turn you play minions to takeover bases. Once a base reaches its tipping point it scores. The first player to fifteen points wins.

Valdora Review

Valdora is a pick up and deliver game that looks great and plays fast. You must gather gems and deliver them to patrons’ houses to score points.

RoboRally Review

RoboRally is a hectic race to the finish line. You must plan each of your robot’s moves, but often, things don’t go according to plan.

Revolution Review

The Revolution is under way and you plan to be on top once the dust settles. You’ll use force, blackmail and bribes to gain the support you need to win. Can you outwit your rivals and win the most support?

Villagers and Villains Review

Villagers and Villains is a card game in which you play a mayor. You must hire citizens, construct buildings and recruit heroes to protect your village from monsters. After someone has nine cards in play the games ends. You total your VPs, add a few bonuses and proclaim a winner.