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Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Board Game Reviews

QE Commodities Expansion Review

QE Commodities adds a new wrinkle to this auction board game. Now you’ll sell commodities during your auction to offset your spend and score VPs for the commodities auction winner.

Galaxy Trucker Keep on Trucking Expansion Review

Galaxy Trucker (Second Edition) gets its first expansion, Keep on Trucking. It adds new mechanics and content as well as some items released in the previous edition’s expansions.

Clash of Cultures Monumental Edition Board Game Review

Clash of Cultures Monumental Edition is a reissue of a 2012 board game. You must advance and expand your ancient civilization in order to score more victory points than your opponents. This 4X civ-building board game is epic and includes an expansion that adds replay value.

Crusaders Thy Will Be Done Board Game Review

Crusaders Thy Will Be Done combines a rondel with mancala mechanics with a dash of area control and set collection to create a fun, super accessible board game.

9 Lives Card Game Review

9 Lives is a trick-taking card game. It follows most conventions of typical trick-taking games, but adds a small wrinkle. When you win a trick you must keep one of the opponent’s cards that was played.