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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

4 players

Star Wars RISK Review

Star Wars RISK reenacts the final part of Return of the Jedi. The light side must disable the shield on Endor and hit the Death Star. The dark side must eliminate the rebel fleet. But who will reach their goal first and win?

Arcadia Quest Board Game Review

Arcadia Quest is a campaign-based miniatures skirmish game. You must complete quests and fight off monsters and your opponents’ adventurers to win.

Conflict of Heroes – Awakening the Bear Second Edition Review

Awakening the Bear was the first game in the Conflict of Heroes series. This review is about the 2nd edition of this game and what has changed.

Black Fleet Board Game Review

In Black Fleet you control a merchant ship, a pirate ship and share control of the royal navy ships. You must deliver goods with your merchant ship while avoiding your opponents’ pirate ship. And try to attack your opponents’ merchant ship while avoiding the royal navy.

Summoner Wars Alliances Master Set Review

Summoner Wars Alliances Master Set brings eight new factions to the series. You can play this on its own, or add it to the previously released factions, which exponentially adds to your deck construction options.