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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

2 or more players

Planet of the Apes Board Game Review

Planet of the Apes is a cooperative board game based on the first movie in the series. You must move through scenes by overcoming encounters that require specific dice rolls to beat.

Draconis Invasion Review

Draconis Invasion is a deck-building game in which you must hire mercenaries to repel the attacking hordes. Killing the monsters gains you VPs.

VS 2PCG Monsters Unleashed Expansion Review

Monsters Unleashed is a stand-alone expansion for the VS 2PCG series. This set introduces the Champions, Inhumans, and a Monsters Unleashed team plus the evil Leviathon.

Alien Artifacts Board Game Review

Alien Artifacts is an engine building card game. You must use your resources wisely to score more VPs than your opponents.

Kaiju Crush Board Game Review

In Kaiju Crush you play a giant monster and must crush buildings and fight your opponents to gain the most VPs and win.