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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

2 or more players

VS 2PCG Defenders Expansion Review

Defenders is the first expansion for the VS 2PCG system. It adds two new factions, more main characters and a bunch more supporting characters.

Tash-Kalar Everfrost Expansion Review

The Tash-Kalar Everfrost expansion adds a new faction to this board game. The Everfrost are beings from a frozen land of never-ending winter.

Glass Road App Review

Glass Road was released a few years ago and now it is getting the digital treatment. This digital port does a good job of representing the physical game.

Imperial Settlers Why Can’t We Be Friends Expansion Review

Why Can’t We Be Friends is a 55 card expansion. It adds more common and faction cards and introduces some deck construction to the game.

Steam Time Board Game Review

In Steam Time you work for the organization T.I.M.E. and are trying to earn their esteem in order to win the game. See if you can best your friends in this worker placement board game.