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Cartagena Board Game Review

Cartagena Board GameStats:
No. of players: 2-5
Amount of time to play: 30 min
Age requirements: 8+
Set-up time: minimal

In 1672 there was a pirate-lead jailbreak at the Cartagena fortress. In Cartagena the board game you need to get all your pirates on the boat to escape before your opponents.

Cartagena Rules Description:

The board for Cartagena is made up of five sections of a path. Each section has six symbols on it in a random order. The symbols are a lantern, grappling hook, jug, gun, keys and telescope. You deal each player five cards and the start player gets one extra. The cards have one of the same six symbols on them. You also take four pirates and place them on the start space.

On your turn you must take two actions. You can play a card and move to the next unoccupied space that matches that card’s symbol. Or you may move backward to the space with one or two pirates. You gain as many cards equal to the number of pirates on that space. You can never have more than three pirates on a space and cannot go back to the starting space. You may take the same action twice if you like.

If you play a card that does not no longer have an open space in front of the pirate you are moving, it goes to the boat.

The advanced rules are the same except you use all six board sections, have five pirates and take three actions per turn.

Whether you use the basic or advanced rules the player that gets all their pirates off the board and onto the ship wins.

Quick Review of Cartagena:

Cartagena is a quick, fun game that is great for families. As you can see above the rules are simple and easy to teach.

The components for this game are very nice. The cards are durable the plastic pirate miniatures and art on the cards and board all add to the theme. The rules are easy to read and follow. The box is pretty big for its content and I do wish it was a bit smaller but that is not a major issue.

This game is very accessible. Young, old, gamer or non-gamer any one can be playing Cartagena in minutes. It is a great game for families as all ages can enjoy it.

You need a solid strategy and luck to win this game. Moving pirates to spaces and being able to gain two cards in one move backwards helps a lot. But sometimes just having the right cards at the right times wins you the game.

Cartagena is a fun, fast family game. It moves at a nice pace and doesn’t overstay its welcome. You can play and enjoy it with most anyone and is a very good gateway game.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 3 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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