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Boardgameexchange.com Review

Boardgameexchange BoxBoardgameexchange.com is Netflix for board games. Simply put, you can rent 2 board games at a time up to 2 times per month. Two games on your list will come shipped to your door with return shipping slips and postage. After you are done playing them simply place all the content back in the box and return. Shortly after that the next two games in your list will arrive.

Many people I have talked to about Boardgameexchange.com ask the same question. “What about the components? With so many bits don’t some get lost?” Well the components all come bagged and on each baggie there is a checklist of everything in that specific bag. All you need to do is count the components on arrival and before you return the game. I recently rented Galaxy Trucker which has a ton of little pieces. Not one was missing when I got the game and I made sure to count them up before returning the game. If you happen to lose a piece just email the site. You may be charged a fee if many components are missing or if the missing components highly degrade gameplay. Just treat the game as if it was your own and I think lost pieces can be avoided.

The great thing about the service is it lets you try before you buy. Have you ever dropped $50+ on a game only to play it once? Well renting the game you are interested in first helps you make an informed decision.

Also there are some games you like but know you won’t play very much. Either the time commitment is too great or you only get to play them with friends that you don’t see too often. Now you can rent the came when you know they are coming. Or play it til you get your fill and be done with it.

The game is shipped without the box so be aware. For the most part that is no big deal and at most a minor annoyance. I recently rented Small World and not having the tray meant separating the tiles which increased set up time. Again not a big deal but definitely something to be aware of.

Another great feature of the service is the option to buy the game you rent. This is nice if you play a game you love. It is even discounted based on how often Boardgameexchange.com has sent it out. Many times the price is comparable to many online game stores and you don’t need to pay shipping. All you need to do is return the enclosed form and Boardgameexchange.com will send you the box along with the next game on your list.

I think this service is great for anyone who plays lots of games. The number of games you can try will stretch your dollar. Also this is great for people who don’t have lots of storage space for games. Lastly if you are in a game group than you can split the cost and bring a variety of games to the table. My experience with the service has been great and I highly recommend them. If you happen to sign up after reading this, please tell them play-board-games sent you!


4 Responses to “Boardgameexchange.com Review”

  1. Robert says:

    Sounds like an interesting service! I’ll have to give this thing a try! There’s nothing more I hate than paying full price for a game that ends up being terrible. I’ve tried to sell my old games on Amazon and eBay but basically ended up getting pennies on the dollar…so I just end up keeping them. The try-before-you-buy concept is the best part about going to gaming conventions.

  2. David Muta says:

    Please feel free to email any direct questions to us.

    We really appreciate the review and would love to field any further questions anyone may have regarding the service.



  3. Mike2K says:

    I was skeptical at first, but after giving it a try I was definetly satisfied with the convenience and variety that Board Game eXchange has to offer. Subscribe? Umm, I say hell yes!

  4. I heard about this from a friend the other day. It is definitely something that I should look into, but was skeptical about – thanks for the review and the info.

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