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Blinks Epic Adventure Expansion Review

Blinks Epic Adventure ExpansionSix new games are coming to the Blinks gaming system in the Epic Adventure Expansion. They integrate seamlessly with the base set and add more gaming options.

Blinks Epic Adventure Expansion Description:

If you are not familiar with the Blinks gaming system you can read my full review here. In short, Blinks are electronic hexes that link together, light up, and communicate with each to play games.

The original set came with up to twelve games. The Epic Adventure Expansion introduces six more. I got to try out two of them, Darkball and Tip Toe Volcano.

Darkball tests your reflexes. You and your opponent sit at opposite ends of a track of Blinks. One press of the Blink on your end starts the movement of a dark dot. It moves back and forth across the track. If it comes to either player’s end they must press their Blink to avoid being hit. After six hits you are out. You can watch this video to see an example of how Darkball plays.

Tip Toe Volcano is a bluffing game. Each player starts with four Blinks which they secretly set to be safe spots or lava. All the Blinks are then linked together and players bid by stating the number of Blinks they can click without hitting lava. The player to their left must raise the bid or challenge them. When you are challenged, you must click one of your own Blinks first. Then you may click any others until you meet your bid or hit lava. If you meet your bid, the player that challenged you loses a Blink. If you hit lava, you lose a Blink. Once you lose all your Blinks you are out.

There are four other new games for the Blinks system in this expansion. You can currently get it (and the original games) on their Kickstarter.

Quick Review of Blinks Epic Adventure Expansion:

More Blinks games are welcome. It is nice to see the system has expanded and continues to offer more fun games. The two games were both fun and required different skills to excel at them.

I am excited to see the other games in the Epic Adventure Expansion. This expansion makes a lot of sense for current Blinks owners. And the Kickstarter is a great way to jump in and get both the Starter Set and expansion.

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