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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

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PAX Unplugged 2019 Wrap-up

In its third year PAX Unplugged continued to grow. There were more vendors and more people this year than before. I did more networking than I did in the past and that meant playing fewer games. But it was still a great con!

Aristeia! Board Game Review

Aristeia! is a two-player skirmish miniature games in which you must control certain areas of the board to score Victory Points and win.

Marvel Champions The Card Game Review

Marvel Champions is a cooperative living card game (LCG) in which you control an iconic super hero and must defeat an infamous villain.

Raids Board Game Review

In Raids you control a viking clan that sails around the board picking up tiles. Tiles gain you VPs or other resources, but you might have to fight to get the tile you want.

Gloomhaven Digital Board Game Review

Gloomhaven has been released digitally in early access on Steam. Though it only contains a fraction of the content in the analog version, it will have all of it and more once it is officially released.