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Bugs in the Kitchen Board Game Review

Bugs in the KitchenStats:
No. of players: 2-4
Amount of time to play: 15 min
Age requirements: 5+
Set-up time: minimal

Bugs in the Kitchen is a dexterity game that kids and grown-ups can both enjoy. Can you trap five bugs before your opponents?

Bugs in the Kitchen Description:

Bugs in the Kitchen ends once one player has trapped the hex bug five times. Yes you read that correctly, there is an actual hex bug in this board game. It starts in the middle of the board, vibrates and randomly runs around.

The board is made up if forks, knives and spoons that can be turned and create a maze. Each player has a sunken corner where they to trap the bug. On you turn you roll the die and turn the showing utensil ninety degrees. If you roll a question mark you may turn any single utensil on the board.

Once the bug lands in your trap you get a bug token and then reset the board to one of the five starting configurations. The bug is placed back in the middle of the board and the fun starts all over again.

Quick Review of Bugs in the Kitchen:

Bugs in the kitchen is a surprisingly fun board game. I say it is a surprise because this game is not just fun for kids. Young and old can enjoy this game together or on their own.

The components for this game are excellent. The hex bug is fantastic and the art is fun too. The rules are simple and easy to follow.

This game is a great game night starter. It is fun, draws a crowd and super easy to teach and play. You can easily let players jump in and out of the game and the rounds go very fast.

Bugs in the Kitchen has a party game type atmosphere. People are yelling and it is fun just to watch. This game can attract an audience pretty quickly. And it can cater to anyone in the group. All ages, gamers and non-gamers, everyone can enjoy this game. It is just a lot of fun.

If you are looking for a really fun family game that you can play and enjoy with most anyone, pick Bugs in the Kitchen up. I think this game can fit in most anyone’s collection.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 1 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 3 out of 6
Replay Value 5 out of 6
Complexity 1 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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